Navigating a multi-dimensional land can be stressful, and confusing at times. Being a domain expert helps, even then it can be an avalanche of information to process, correlate and make sense to drive actions. With our platform, we create journeys based on the needs of the participants.
A JOURNEY is a navigation path within our platform that tries to satisfy a need
A journey mapping exercise is either self-driven or sometimes done with consultation (with our recruiter network)
A journey needs to have a goal
Goals have to be relatively specific (For e.g. I want to make more money is the goal for everyone - so that is not specific enough)
A goal needs to bounded by at least 3 dimensions among [Geo, Industry, Wage, Approvals, Rank..]. Examples are below
Which employers pay a min. W wage, in the state of X, with an approval rate of at least Y%, and a rank of Z or higher ?
Which employers pay a min. V wage, in W state X city, with an approval rate of at least Y%, and a rank of Z or higher ?
JOURNEYS are available only for paid accounts